Archive for the ‘ Inconsistent musings ’ Category

My Ice Cream Story

I was extremely bored, so i drew out a comic featuring bananas and a situation i commonly find myself in.


I cannot begin to describe the amazingness and subsequent confusion a japanese toilet emits. It’s like nothing you have EVER experienced before, it’s simply incredible.

It looks rather normal, if you’re willing to overlook the fact that there is no flushing lever, or that there is this amazing little control panel with literally a million buttons, all to maximize your personal safety and tranquility while doing the deed.

The experience starts before you actually get to the toilet, the japanese have built in this insane motion sensor thing in the toilet, so when it senses you are near, and with mechanical wizardry and magic, it roars to life, and automatically lifts up the toilet seat, and a trillion little led lights just light up INSIDE the toilet bowl itself. In a dark room, it shines like a beacon of comfort. It’s like it WANTS you to do your business inside it, it’s just so… INVITING.

It doesn’t stop there, when you sit down, the seat is WARMED, perfect after a long day of snowboarding/skiing/being baptized with freezing, torrential snowfall.

However, the best bit, is decoding exactly which of the minuscule buttons flushes the damn thing. Out of the 17 different buttons on there, they share between them the ability to:

1. Move the toilet seat or the cover down, or one up, one down, or all of them up.

2. Control a water jet that comes OUT of the bottom of the lid, and sprays water into… Well yeah. It’s like playing an Atari game with a joystick, except with a toilet. You can control the temperature, amount of water coming out, direction, the speed of which water comes out, different KINDS of sprays, much like the way your garden hose has different nozzles.

NOTE: Most of the toilet’s buttons are devoted to this one feature.


4. There is a flashing panic button that can be pressed any time you feel your water-jet control mechanism getting out of control, or any other unexpected jolts or features that may impede on your general well-being and or safety.

In effect, japanese toilets are INSANE. I just needed to write this post, i’m sorry if i have completely ruined your day for talking about the intricacies of the japanese toilet, but i just simply needed to express the mindblowing.

Stay gold,



I’ve literally spent the last 1.5 hours on just flipping through this guy’s amazingly awesome comics, for the very few readers out there, know that this man will make your day, wether by naming good reasons you should punch dolphin very hard in the mouth, or by enlightening the reader with reasons why you should ride a polar bear to work, not least of these reasons is that it can HAUL ASS. He has also enlightened me with the sacred knowledge of the pig.

Stay gold,



My hero. He can get drunk off of life. The very joy of existence is enough to send him into a stupor of pure happiness. Considering how i live my life nowadays i actually think that i’m close to that state of mind.

Why don’t people see that the very air you breathe is just another chance to just enjoy the great life that luck just decided to pass your way. Another day is just an opportunity to make someone else smile, or tell someone it’s going to be all right. It’s another day to make someone feel like they are on top of the world, and another day to make that special somebody to fall madly in love with you.

Shit, i’m sounding like a fake, superficial inspirational speaker. But i tell you what, dear reader, this is actually how i feel right now, take it or leave it.

Stay gold,


The Outsiders

As the title suggests, i have finally finished The Outsiders, and it is EXCELLENT. I suppose what appeals the most to me about this book is just the raw camaraderie shared by the boys in this book, they would do ANYTHING for each other, i mean, they would always look out for each other, and be sticking up for them even the face of the law.

I should probably tell you guys something about myself, i’m the very meaning of a Soc, i am the rich, upper tier with all of the breaks. In the very Soc society that i live in, this is exactly the kind of world that i have never experienced. I have never had friends as closely bonded as Sodapop, Two-Bit, Johnny, just to name a few. What they say about the Socs, and in effect my world, is that we’re always behind a facade of happiness, the realness that we share with other people is just not there. We are not authentic, in any sense of the world. The same way that Cherry Valence raves about beer blasts to her friends, just to start conversation, (but not actually like them at all), is exactly what everyone in my school does. We put on fake smiles just to please others, and perhaps grab a small piece of their love, or something. Behind all of the make-up, nice clothes, our mostly flawless GPA, lies a little known world that nobody else knows exists. Everyone just puts up a facade, and gets on with life, never actually feeling.

I do wish that people here are deeper than a glass of water.

Stay gold,


I do suppose introductions are in order.

Dear beautiful people of the wordpress universe,

My name is Nadia, and this, is the wonderful blog that two other fabulous friends of mine and i have started.

I suppose i should take some time to introduce myself. I would consider myself one of those vicodin-addicted lab rats stuck in a pulsing, neon, sensory-overload cage.  I would also like to think that i’m a 16 year old 8-bit retro renaissance man with a twist of modern hipster and a splash of 80s groovy. I also have a chronic weakness for bright colors, argyle and houndstooth. I share hong kong with seven million other inhabitants who collectively manage to make life either hell, or heaven on earth. In all, I’m just an over-the-top person fed up with an average existence on this little earth.

Stay gold,
